Thursday to Tuesday - 29 Feb to 5 Mar 2024. Kahane Walking Weekend.

We had 29 members join us for a fabulous walking weekend at Kahane. The weather was the best we can remember.

It was very windy on Friday but a few hardy souls decided on the walk from Guthega Bridge to Mt Tate. The rest headed for the Waterfall Walk plus the Pallaibo Track, two lovely sheltered walks in the snowgums.

On Saturday we filled the cars and went to The Pass for the scenic walk back to Perisher - a great opportunity for the 'tiger' walkers to stretch their legs.

On Sunday we had 12 members head down to the Dalgety Show (its eightieth year) while Ron Giles took a group from The Pass to the Old Restaurant. One member walked The Pass to Guthega and a few went for a quiet coffee by Rainbow Lake.

On Monday we had two more groups walk the Pass to Guthega track.

It was another great Perisher weekend made even better with the addition of a few new faces and the superb catering of Jacky and Matt.

We'll be back in 2025, ready to tackle the Perisher to Bullocks leg of the 'Iconic Snowies Walk'.

To all who attended, many thanks for your company and support.

Sunday 11 Feb 2024. North Head Loop.

On a very pleasant Sunday, fifteen members met at Manly Wharf for a circuit walk of North Head. We crossed Little Manly Beach and Collins Beach then climbed through the bush passing the Quarantine Station Cemetery then on to North Fort where we stopped for morning tea. We walked out to Fairfax Lookout for the fabulous views out to sea and back to Sydney.

Returning via the Memorial Walk we headed north along the eastern clifftop with a visit to the Hanging Swamp. Then it was down to Shelley Beach via the ‘Hole in the Wall’ track.

We finished the day with some well-earned après-walking on the Manly Corso. It was a great day out with a total of 13 kilometres.

Saturday 21 Oct 2023. Echo Point to Katoomba Falls.

On a beautiful day in the Blue Mountains twelve members met at Echo Point for a picturesque walk along the Prince Henry Cliff walking track. This length of track offers many stops to admire views from the lookouts. At Katoomba Falls we descended the Furber Steps as far as the Witches Leap Falls and returned via Cliff Drive.

Lunch was enjoyed near Orphan Rock Lookout. We finished the day with a well-earned visit to the Blue Mountains Chocolate Company.

Many thanks to Marion and Andy for another great walk in our beautiful Blue Mountains.

Sunday 24 Sep 2023. City Ramble.

We postponed this walk by a week to avoid a clash with the annual Sydney Marathon. This turned out to be a good move as the weather was must kinder on the 24th.

Seventeen members met at the Chalmers Street exit at Central Railway where we inspected the monuments in the Ibero American Plaza. The series of busts and statues commemorate the contribution of Spanish and Portuguese speaking people to the history of Australia.

We then took the light rail to Moore Park where we started our walk. First stop was the entertainment quarter, then we moved on to Centennial Park for a coffee at the Homestead Cafe. Continuing after that, we walked past the Federation Pavilion and into Queens Park.

After some street walking, we arrived at Waverley Cemetery to look for the resting place of a few of its more famous residents such as Henry Lawson and Michael Dwyer "the Wicklow Chief".

We then followed the coastal path to Bronte for lunch overlooking the beach. Our walk finished at Bondi Beach from where the 333 bus took us back to the city.

It was a great day out with great company. It was a pity that Annette could not lead it and provide her expert commentary.

Many thanks to all especially our impromptu 'leaders-on-the-day': Tim, Annabelle and Geoff. Your collective knowledge made the day.

Sunday 27 Aug 2023 - Sunday 10 Sep 2023. Nordic Weeks 1 and 2.

Regardless of the dwindling snow cover we enjoyed a great week of XC skiing at the Pass.

Unfortunately, Wrights Creek, Trapyard and Spencers were not skiable this year but the valley and Sugarloaf were OK at the start of the week. As always, the Main Range held some beautiful snow and was our preferred destination.

During the week we had parties heading out to Mt Clark, Club Lake, Guthrie Trig, Mt Stillwell and Seamans Hut.

Sunday 06 Aug 2023. Bush and Wildflowers at Berowra Heights.

Thirteen members met at the end of Woodcourt Rd in Berowra Heights, then followed a maze of tracks into the National Park for a lovely 7.5 km loop walk.

The wild flowers were prolific and the ridge top views were fabulous.

Morning tea and lunch were enjoyed on the cliff edge with views into the valleys and beyond.

Many thanks to Sharon, Chris and Harm for leading this delightful walk.

Thursday 20 Jul 2023 to Sunday 23 Jul 2023. XC Summit Tour

This year we had 31 skiers participate in our annual Summit Tour. Some departed Sydney on the bus while some made their own way to Thredbo.

Friday was a varied day of skiing. Some climbed Ramshead from the Dead Horse Gap, some headed up to Merritt’s to practice their telemark turns and others soaked up the Thredbo hospitality.

On Saturday we left Thredbo for the XC ski to Charlotte Pass via the Main Range. This year saw a group crossing via Twin Valleys, and some followed the pole line to the Snowy River Bridge while some detoured via Seamans Hut. The snow was hard packed but the weather was glorious – blue skies no wind.

On Sunday we skied to Perisher to meet the bus. The snow was still hard so the best option was to ski the road and make use of the oversnow tracks.

We stopped at Mittagong RSL for a great meal.

Thanks to Owen and Ian for your trip leadership and the Managers and staff at all three lodges for your awesome hospitality and excellent meals. A special mention goes to Ross our bus driver for a safe trip.

Sunday 02 Jul 2023. Kamay Botany Bay - Bronze Sculptures, Angophoras and Whales.

Twenty-five SASC members and friends turned out on a ‘blue bird’ for this Botany Bay foreshore walk. First we set out to view the bronze sculptures installed to commemorate 250 years since the encounter between the aboriginals and the crew of HMB Endeavor

The group continued their walk through Kamay National Park initially along the Banks Solander Track, viewing a large stand of magnificent Angophora trees. Then we followed the Yena Track and the Pipeline Link Fire trail through coastal heathland to the spectacular cliff tops of Cape Solander for lunch and whale watching.

Large numbers of whales were passing and we were able to view several pods including numerous whales breaching further out to sea.

The group then walked along the raised walking platform atop the cliff line to the newly opened and hugely popular whale observation station, returning with a small deviation through remnants of Botany Bay rainforest.

Several members continued along the clifftops to Cape Baily while one super fit member extended her walk all of the way to Cronulla.

By all accounts it was a very successful and enjoyable day. Many thanks to Russell and Col for a great outing.

Sunday 04 Jun 2023. Harbour Foreshore - Wollstonecraft to North Sydney.

Fifteen members came on today’s walk in overcast and cool conditions.

After meeting at Wollstonecraft Station, we set off down a bushland gully, reaching Berry Island where we did a circuit around the headland.

Heading to Balls Head Reserve, we passed the site of the old Oyster Bay Gasworks, now a huge apartment development.

Thence to the site of the old coal loader where we encountered crowds of people attending an Artisans’ Market. This was an appropriate place for morning tea where, despite the numbers of people, we found a nice unoccupied wooden bench.

Resuming our walk down at water level, we traversed a dimly lit tunnel, one of four which constituted the below-ground operation of the coal loader. The old timber wharf at the site, although gradually falling into total ruin, is a remarkable structure.

From Balls Head Reserve itself there are outstanding views over Sydney Harbour, including to Cockatoo Island and Goat Island.

Some further bushland and urban walking brought us to our lunch stop at Sawmillers Reserve. After that it was a short walk up Blues Point Road to North Sydney Station and a 2-stop train trip back to Wollstonecraft.

This part of the harbour foreshore is full of interest: Balls Head named after a commander from the First Fleet; HMAS Waterhen, the 1962 naval base in Balls Head Bay; the past and present fuel terminal operations (BP and Shell); and aboriginal rock engravings. On top of all that are the magnificent outlooks over our beautiful Sydney Harbour.